In general, we can differentiate sporting events into four groups:
1- Mega sports events: are occasional and have a great economic and social impact, and require a high financial investment. For example, the Olympic Games, the World Games, etc.
2- Unique sporting events: are held annually and are closely identified with a specific territory. In addition, they have a high tourism and media impact, as is the case with Roland Garros, the Tour de France, etc.
3- Major sporting events: are in the field of professional sport and have a great capacity to attract spectators and media. For example, national football or basketball leagues, etc.
4- Local sporting events: are aimed at a local market and require little investment, but have a high social and sporting impact and dynamism of the territory on a local scale.
The documentation and tools contained in this website are designed to analyse these latest local and popular events - occasional and of all kinds of sports -, sponsored or not by federations. The analysis of the first three types of event most likely needs a specific research design that transcends the scope of this project.
Thus, in the Organise section you will find the necessary and well-structured information to design, plan, budget, execute and calculate the socio-economic impact of these local sporting events. You will also be able to consult and download the necessary content to think, work and optimally develop local sporting events in all their phases.
On the other hand, in the Analyse section, you will be able to budget and assess the economic impact that your event has generated on a tourist scale, and also from an environmental point of view, in order to obtain a final report of all the calculation performed. This must enable a statistical record, but it must also be able to be an analysis tool for new editions.
In this way, the elements contained in this website should allow you to perform a deeper analysis of the sporting event, from the organisation to the calculation of the social, sporting, environmental and economic impact.
How should we do it?

Consult the information provided by the website.

Sign up
Sign up and get your username and password.

Plan and budget
Organise, plan and calculate the impact of your event with the tools we offer you.

Enter final data
Complete the information and results obtained after the event.

Get the success report
Get the success report.